Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
UI/UX Designer C++ DeveloperLocations
Washington, D.C. area, Portland, OR
FreeFlyer is a desktop software product used by rocket scientists at organizations like NASA to plan complex space missions. Our product has been used to support hundreds of space missions! The FreeFlyer team is looking to hire a C++ developer to support us in adding new high-value modeling features to our software. You'll have the opportunity to make some high-impact contributions within a small team of engineers. If you have an interest in physics modeling (especially orbital mechanics!), video game engine design, high-performance 3D visualization, or algorithms/data structures in general, you'll really enjoy the type of work we do! We're also looking to on-board a UI/UX designer to lead us on a path for developing a modern user experience for our users. We're a small team of developers and support staff that are really excited to work with someone who is passionate for space and has a creative vision for our tool. You'll have the opportunity to interview mission designers at NASA to understand how our tool is used.
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