Posted 2 years, 8 months ago


Hipster Developer

Compensation Summary

$60K - $120K





Hello nerds! We are a couple of friends who recently founded a research & development & trading company mostly focused on crypto. We are already making good profits from trading & investments but have also just started building various tools, apps, smart contracts, bots and related tech to support our operations and increase our profits even more. Our culture is an engineer & maker culture. We have some people onboard who combined possess a fair understanding of topics such as economics, statistics, investing, trading, psychology, computer science, operating systems, programming, networking, security, devops, the internet, the web, the blockchain, incentive design and tokenomics. I'm not disclosing the identity of our company (we have no good reason to announce our existence to the public at this time), but I'm disclosing my own identity as I realize that the target audience of this post (hopefully you) needs to know who they would be working with if they pursue this opportunity. I am an experienced full stack developer, a product engineer having a lot of startup experience, and a significant crypto exposure. Check out my fancy webpage ( to get an idea about whether I'm the kind of guy you'd be interested in hanging out with. Our development philosophy is to always aim for quality and simplicity with a pragmatic touch when it comes either to the team, product, or processes. (We're influenced by Suckless: A quality team comes before everything. We have a small team of talented generalists with a hacker attitude, a deep understanding of the "web operating system", and a sense of humor. And we're looking to expand this team (but not too much). We are not looking for the mythical full stack developer who is an expert on everything, say, ES2118, CSS, responsive design, GraphQL, AWS, Kubernetes, Solidity and shit. Instead we are looking for people who have a proper foundation on programming in general and the web platform, a strong intellectual curiosity, and the experience & ability to make good judgements when it comes either to technology choices, architectural choices, implementation details, analysis, prioritization, and interaction with customers (internal & external). This is what's important. Specifics can be learned. No one cares if you know flexbox or not. Or funky sorting algorithms. Or React hooks. Or NFTs. We are very selective when it comes to the projects we work on, people we work with, partnerships we establish and tools & ecosystems we build on top of. It's not only about making money but it's about making it while having a pleasant experience & fun, learning stuff that is worth learning, building a proper reputation, investing in projects & ecosystems & people that will increasingly benefit us and be worth our very precious time in the longer term. All while preserving our health & wellbeing of course. <snip> (Please visit for the full version of this ad) If you like what you've read so far and think you have what it takes to hang out with the likes of us, maybe you should reach out. Send me a resume / CV preferably with a motivation letter that shows a sign of intelligence / character / whatever you think sets you aside from the common developer. (Turkish accepted) Seek me out at dev at gwn dot wtf if you want the red pill

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