Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
senior engineerLocations
Menlo Park, Palo Alto, London, Tel Aviv
Avi Zurel
Globality builds an online marketplace for companies to buy and sell professional services. We enable talented small businesses to bid on the same projects as multinational corporations, allowing for richer competition and an even playing field in world commerce. At the heart of the network is our ML recommendation engine that surfaces the best-fit providers for each given project. There are open positions for senior engineers across our FE, BE, SRE, and AI organizations. We work primarily with python and JS (Flask, GraphQL, express), we have everything as infrastructure-as-code and we have ~200 micro-services running in production. On the AI side - we focus on core research for NLP processing and developing recommender systems. If DL transformer networks, reinforcement learning, and large scale web crawling interests you then get in touch!
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