Posted 3 years, 6 months ago


ERP5 Offline Collaborative Editing Galéne WebRTC videoconference integration Network Resiliency Drone Swarms Offline HTML5 Progressive Web Applications Verified boot for Debian Artificial Optical Inspection Software Engineer Open Source PLC A browser as virtual machine Data-driven (AI) 5G Robot Automation Python acceleration with Cython+ HTML5 as SlapOS orchestration target Distributed 5G core network automation

Compensation Summary

Salary and benefits information not provided


Lille, Paris, Munich, Plovdiv


We're looking for new colleagues and trainees to help improve our Free Software stack. We do custom implementations and participate in publicly funded R&D projects. We run a small Free Software Endowment fund, try to establish an alternative vRAN standard, and are trying to build a hyper open European cloud provider. We offer neither fame nor fortune, but if you're idealistic and passionate about Free Software, we'd like to hear from you. Candidates will do a programming challenge and 1 interview (2 for full time). We're currently searching trainees and full time positions for various topics.

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