
Product Manager Designer Software Engineer Security & Systems Engineer Data Analyst


San Francisco, New York, Remote


Help build a better future for writing. We believe that what you read matters and writing is valuable. We’re here to help writers go independent and thrive, and we’re hiring. We're hiring software engineers for web (JavaScript + TypeScript, Node, React), iOS (Objective-C, Swift), and Android (Kotlin), and data analysts, security & systems engineers, designers, and product managers. Here's how we think about engineering: - We bias to action. We work fast, make bold bets, and then course-correct as needed. - We believe great things are built by small groups of exceptional people. We assemble tight-knit teams and give them clear, ambitious goals and the autonomy they need to succeed. - Remote Collaboration and Community. The team has a home base in San Francisco, but there’s also an office in New York and some people are remote. We get together a few times a year to build relationships and work and celebrate together. Engineers are autonomous and independent and balance that with highly collaborative pairing sessions, problem solving, and more. It’s a team that celebrates one another. - Empathy for writers. We do Empathy Hour, Office Hours, shadowing customer support, and find ways to get writers and engineers talking with one another. Substack started by building a product for a specific writer (Bill Bishop writing Sinocism) and we’ve strived to maintain that ethos as we’ve scaled – focused directly on the needs of people. - Feelings Friday. We’re here to support each other through the ups and downs of a high growth startup. - Diversity of perspectives. We are engineers with a diverse set of professional and personal backgrounds, and as a result have a working environment that demonstrates a wide variety of skills and knowledge. - We like to have fun. We have a quarterly hackathon where engineers collaborate to build things they want to see on the platform. Many of the things people build get shipped. (~50% of things from our last hackathon have shipped or will soon)

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