
Full Stack Engineer


Los Angeles, Remote


Storyboard is an audio platform for Enterprises to share private, internal-only podcasts with employees. Whether for training a driver in the field or sharing the CEO's update in an on-demand format, Storyboard is an audio tool for making teams more collaborative. We serve 1700+ companies today and recently announced our Seed Round led by CRV, Slack Fund, and other top investors. Role Summary: We're seeking a Full Stack Engineer to concentrate on our audio production and distribution features. Some qualities that would be - Static web app development background - Experience writing modern, conformant HTML5 code - Experience with several modern CSS/SCSS frameworks - Experience working with module bundlers like Webpack, Gulp, Browserify, etc. You enjoy using the command line and CLI applications, including: Git, Bash, AWS, FFmpeg/SoX. Previous experience with WebRTC and Web Audio APIs preferred

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