Posted 1 year, 11 months ago


Systems Software Engineer

Tech Stack

Rust C++





We’re looking for motivated and bright systems software engineers who want to get their hands dirty building the foundations of a novel high performance low-latency relational database system with a rich declarative semantic model, a pleasant API and quality tooling. Our initial use case starts with multiplayer games, but we’re interested in building out a generally awesome service for any shared-state highly scaled application. If any of the following things interest and excite you: - Database storage techniques, algorithms and datastructures. - Query execution, query planning and optimization - Shared, sandboxed virtual machine hosting; WebAssembly, language interpreters, etc. - Distributed systems & high availability - And the implementation, debugging, and optimization of high performance, highly concurrent distributed applications generally. ... then we would love to hear from you. We have some fun and impactful work for you. Our system is built in Rust, but we’d love to hear from anybody with experience and focus on these topics. Rust experience is great, but strong C++ developers etc. are great as well.

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