
Lead Engineer Scientific Computing Specialist


Menlo Park


We are looking for a talented Scientific Computing Specialist to lead the team responsible for designing, developing and maintaining the scientific computing infrastructure of the Rubin US data facility at SLAC (USDF). The Vera C. Rubin Observatory will conduct a 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) starting in early 2024. The LSST will deliver a 500 petabyte set of images, to be processed at the Rubin data facilities to provide a database of trillions of measurements of billions of astronomical objects, which will address some of the most pressing questions about the structure and evolution of the universe and the objects in it. The USDF will service all Rubin scientists, including ALL U.S. astronomers and also service many other astronomers around the world in partnering countries. You would also be coordinating with partner data facilities in France, the UK, and more. This position is classified as Information Systems Specialist which is above Senior Software Developer at Stanford. This is a position that would lead other Senior Software Developers, Scientists, and Admins. Remote might be a possibility. The entire stack is a mix of on-premise HPC/kubernetes/Object Stores, geospatial distributed database, GCP, an advanced Science Platform built off of Jupyterlab on k8s with a large footprint of user-facing REST APIs supporting it, a large C++/Python codebase, etc... An ideal candidate would be familiar with most of those things.

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