
Book author

Compensation Summary

Earn on order of $50k/year by writing a programming book.




We’re looking to work with authors like you to write a few new books this year. Our books sell very well because: - We go way beyond API docs and teach everything you need to know to build real apps. - We guarantee the books and code are up to date. - We invest in marketing the books (and have an active email list of over 100k). We love the topics we write about and aim to create something remarkable every time. If you decided to self-publish, you may find the marketing is more than writing the book. We have an audience, and we know what they want to read - so when your book is done, we already have people who want to buy it. If you decide to go with a “traditional” publisher, you may be given a mediocre editor, write your book in MS Word (ha), and earn 5-15% in royalties. With us, our editors (me) are programmers first, our tooling is dev-friendly, and our royalties are split 50/50. (For scale, the author of Fullstack Vue earned $20k on the opening weekend, Fullstack D3 even more.) We’re looking to write content about JavaScript, Building Full-stack web apps, AWS, DevOps, Angular, React, ASP.NET Core, Serverless, Python, Elixir, Data Science etc. Anything up and coming.

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