Posted 1 year, 9 months ago


project manager cryptographer interns network protocol engineer



Our mission at MuKn (pronounced "moon") is to secure for each person full control on their computing devices and thereby enable universal decentralized computing. Our first customers are cryptocurrency networks and their users, who most than anyone today care to build systems that can't be hacked. Projects we are building include Glow, our portable domain-specific language for Decentralized Applications (DApps), the Laconic Network, a decentralized solution to indexing blockchain data, and more. Our main language is Gerbil Scheme, but the ecosystems we work with often use Go (particularly for network protocols), TypeScript (particularly for web interfaces), and sometimes Haskell or Rust. We also use Agda to formalize parts of our codebase. All our code is open source. As a project manager, you will have to herd a clowder of half-a-dozen to a dozen cats. As a network protocol engineer, your immediate tasks will involve writing code in Go. As a cryptographer, your tasks may involve Schnorr signatures or zk-SNARKs, including code in Scheme, Go or Rust. You should be willing to place nice with the other languages in our codebase. We’re a fully remote team spread across many time zones. We like to keep meetings and policies to a minimum, and expect team members to manage their own time and communications. Please send resumes to Any notable public discussion (on a mailing list, GitHub issue, etc.) where you changed your own mind or someone else’s mind would be great to see, too.

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