Posted 2 years, 5 months ago


Founding Engineer Founding Designer Founding Data Scientist

Compensation Summary

competitive compensation




Motif is an analytics product tailored to answer complex business questions through analyzing event sequences. It goes beyond traditional reporting (what is happening to the key business metrics?) and instead focuses on root-causing (why are metrics moving?) and guiding (how can the metrics be moved in the right direction?). Today, questions about product gaps and opportunities require multi-week deep dives, and often just raise further questions. As a result, many business questions go unanswered and teams rely on hunches to come up with and prioritize features. Motif solves this by providing an interactive data wrangling, visualization and exploration experience to find insights in event sequences - “motifs”. Designers create magnificent art in Photoshop, game developers build powerful games in Unity and engineers architect reliable constructions in AutoCAD. Motif is a kindred power tool for data practitioners. This approach has been proven at Google and Uber, and is ripe for bringing to the wider data ecosystem. We are iterating on an MVP with a few early customers, are well-funded, offer competitive compensation and are hiring the founding team. If you are interested, or you know someone who might be, please reach out to

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