
DevOps Engineer




Findify is an eCommerce focused personalized search solution. We are looking for DevOps specialists to help us build our evolving stack. At Findify, we make extensive use of data-collection, processing and machine learning algorithms to help our merchants provide better search and recommendations to their customers. You will be responsible for maintaining and improving the current infrastructure and setting up processes to make the stack more reliable and the team more productive. We strive to take the most pragmatic choice when it comes to choosing technology. Always weighing complexity and cost of our choices. Our backend is written in mostly in Scala, with some Node.js. We use Flink for data processing and to power our machine learning algorithms. Node is used as an api gateway between our search engine (Scala) and the end users. We’re deploying to Kubernetes, managed by AWS (eks). We use managed solutions where it makes sense, but are not afraid to manage open source solutions ourselves, when hosted ones don’t fit the bill. We have CI/CD pipelines set up via CircleCI and ArgoCD. We like to embrace new technologies and processes that are helping our engineers be more productive. We’re not afraid to challenge our choices, we love open source and above all, we’re a product driven company so technology is at the core of everything we do. We care about monitoring, alerting and security. You will get to work with amazing engineers.

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