Posted 2 years, 4 months ago


Web3 Engineer (Typescript)




Rolla is building a cutting edge DeFi Options trading protocol that’s extremely user-friendly, designed to bring high yield generation strategies to everyone in crypto, while abstracting the complexities of DeFi and derivatives. Our team is a tenacious, geeky and optimistic group, working towards a decentralized financial future. You’ll be joining a highly technical team that values shipping beautiful, usable products to give people real control over their financial future. Our team members from Sushi, Polygon, BitTorrent, Adyen and commit to top 10 web2 and web3 core repos. We’re also backed by the top investors and option market makers in the cryptocurrency space that believe in our vision. At Rolla, you’ll have access to industry leaders, developers, exchanges and traders to collaborate and engage with as you pioneer the next frontier of DeFi.

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