Posted 2 years, 6 months ago


UI/UX Designer Software Engineer Intern Senior Software Engineer




Rob Madore, Chris Boutiette,


Shell TechWorks is an innovation center for Shell based in a brand new building in the Seaport area of Boston MA. Our primary goal is bringing creative people from outside the energy industry to solve a wide number of challenging problems. Our office consists of software, electrical, mechanical, architecture, systems, integration, and field support all under one roof! We are looking for passionate developers who enjoy working on a wide array of software technologies. Each of our projects run 3-6 months and can differ greatly from one to the next. We are looking to extend our capability in industrial IoT, fit for purpose AI, value chain optimization, mobile, web, cloud and productization. Although we like to use the right tool for the job, we do have some common tech stacks that we have been using: - ReactJs, NodeJs, GraphQL, Azure/AWS Services, Cloud Native technologies such as Kubernetes/Docker/Terraform, C# .Net Core, Python, and C++ As a team we foster an inclusive environment and are not only looking for experts, but individuals who are passionate about software and looking to grow. Part of the skill building includes a training budget for individual growth areas in addition to access to a wide variety of different edX/Coursera courses. Anyone who is interested in this challenging fast paced environment, with great opportunity for growth and impact please contact us at: Hiring Manager - Rob Madore - rmadore at Software Manager - Chris Boutiette - cboutiette at Available slot counts at the time of posting: 2 x Intern 2 x Software Engineer 2 x Senior Software Engineer 1 x UI/UX Designer

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