
Senior Software Engineer

Compensation Summary

For most regions, our salaries are quite competitive.




Saturn Cloud is DataBricks for Dask. We're building an integrated data science platform leveraging Jupyter, Prefect and Dask. Our code base is in Python, Vue/TypeScript, and lots of k8s. We also have some roles that are 50% allocated for contributing to the scientific python ecosystem (mostly Dask, but also sklearn/pandas + friends). We only have 6 engineers right now, so you'll make a big impact. Right now we're hiring people who can build Python web backends and are somewhat comfortable building UIs. Understanding/empathy of data scientists is a plus, as is understanding of devops/aws/azure/k8s. The team is fully remote, but we keep to similar time zones. Our interview process: Phone Screen, a few 30 minute chats with team members (to give you a sense of what we're like, and help you figure out if you want to work here), 2 hour take home project, 2 hour pair programming session. The take home project is time boxed so that we don't burn your time.

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