Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
Engineering Manager Senior Frontend Engineer DevOps Engineer Blockchain Network Engineer Infrastructure Engineer Security Engineer SecurityContacts
Bison Trails is pioneering blockchain infrastructure, and we are looking for exceptional engineers to join our highly-skilled and passionate team. We have recently joined forces with Coinbase and our remote-first team is solving a variety of challenging infrastructure problems while staying on the cutting edge of the blockchain space. We are working closely with many blockhain protocols across a variety of products; helping launch testnets, engaging their communities, and most of all helping customers easily launch and operate nodes. We're a Golang/Kubernetes shop with many production k8s clusters across multiple regions and cloud providers. At our company, infrastructure is the product, which provides a fairly unique experience for software engineers who enjoy building things from the ground up! We're looking for a variety of roles, including: * Blockchain Network Engineer * Infrastructure Engineer * DevOps Engineer * Security Engineer * Engineering Manager, Security * Senior Frontend Engineer
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