Posted 1 year, 11 months ago


Database Backend Developer Full Stack

Compensation Summary

Competitive salary and stock in Frameshift Genomics


Remote, Boston




Frameshift Genomics is hiring backend and full-stack web developers to work on our genomic diagnostic, analytics, and visualization platform. Genomic data is growing at such a rate that it is becoming one of the biggest types of data in the world. This data holds enormous insights and value in fields such as drug development, personalized medicine, disease diagnosis, disease research, crop development, and more. Our goal is to provide a self-serve product to empower doctors, researchers, and biologists to directly bring their expertise to bear. The successful applicants will be developing new features for our flagship product, Mosaic, and/or developing (and potentially leading the development of) our real-time variant warehouse, which will store and query millions of variants. Our technology stack is postgres, node, and vue.js. Specialized knowledge of biology or genomics is not required.

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