Posted 2 years, 6 months ago


Person Who Builds Things and Ships Software

Compensation Summary

60-80k € + revenue share




Are you tired of corporate politics, unproductive meetings and repeatedly building stuff which never got shipped? The VC-funded startup chaos? I certainly was. I got tired of the typical startup game: Lots of funding, a questionable product, no customers, many meetings and countless interruptions. Instead, I wanted to build a company that got back to the basics. Like being profitable and building stuff which customers love and pay for. And most importantly, I wanted to call the shots on certain things: We're not using Slack, because Slack interrupts people and is a crappy project management tool (we use Basecamp instead). We don't care how many hours you work. If you get the job done and respond to messages within a reasonable time frame, that's fine! If you get stuff done faster, take the rest of the day off. I like to take long naps in the afternoon. We're currently on a 4-day workweek (probably forever). We don't have any sort of corporate spending policy. You'll get a company credit card and full access to our bank account. Buy what you need. What about you? You love building things. You've discovered programming which enabled you to build many things fast. You have a fair amount of experience in different programming languages. After cycling through many new, shiny tech stacks, you've arrived at the conclusion that productivity is at its highest when using old-school, proven technology that gets out of your way. Like Rails. And tailwindcss! Simply implementing requirements which were brought to you by product managers has become too boring for you. You're looking for opportunities to influence the direction of product development further upstream, getting regular feedback and sometimes talking to customers. You're looking for a solid job, where you can apply good craftsmanship to a product which users love and pay for. Your grades and (University) education are nice to know, but ultimately don't matter much. Pay range (yearly, incl. German tax): 60-80k € + revenue share. Apply by sending your CV and a short reasoning why you don't want to work for Google to oliver at PS: You'll be our first developer - I'm just a dude who builds stuff in rails, finds customers, hires people and hands out drinks at team events. Like a soccer mom!

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