Posted 4 years ago
Head of Infrastructure Data Engineer BI Developer Senior Backend Engineer Frontend Site Reliability Engineer Fullstack Engineer Marketing Automation Senior Product Manager Head of Marketing AutomationLocations
JustWatch is the world's leading movie and TV show streaming guide. We are mainly looking for talent for specific roles. JustWatch promotes a culture of learning with a high degree of autonomy and room for personal growth. Our development philosophy balances fast hacking with a solid architectural foundation. We are a self-funded and a profitable start-up, founded in 2014 in Berlin and currently employing around 80 great people. If you're into great code architecture, good naming, like to (continuously) deliver production code and actually help build a product bringing value to tens of millions monthly users already, let us know. For more on how we work, our culture, values and engineering practices, be sure to check out our blog. Are you interested? Great! We'd love to hear from you. Please apply via our website.
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