
Data Scientist Statistical Officer Data Engineer

Compensation Summary

Initial salary is 80k€+, 32 days of paid leave p.a.


Luxembourg City


We keep the data of students, grades, teachers, ... and answer requests related to education by other national institutions, international bodies (OECD, PISA study, ...) or from within the ministry. We try to help schools, teachers and kids by facilitating data exchange, automation and visualization. And we try to measure / predict the impact of policy changes. The team is extremely international and interdisciplinary. The working language is English but you'll hear a LOT of other languages. Don't worry, you're not supposed to speak all of them. We're based in Luxembourg City in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, right between Germany, France and Belgium. We use postgres / Oracle, R, Qlik, some Clojure/script and are phasing out Access. Since this is a state job you'll need to fulfill a few requirements that are imposed by law but that we don't necessarily agree with, most importantly - you have a Master (or equivalent) in a MINT subject or a degree related to Statistics or Education. This degree needs to be recognized by some country in the EU - you are a EU national - you speak two of the three official languages (which are German, French, Luxembourgish) at levels C1 and B2. - you speak English level B2 or better. A few remarks on the language requirements: - There is an exemption if you spent at least 3 years at a university in a country where that language is spoken - a certificate of language proficiency from a recognized institute is also considered as ok. Otherwise you do a test where you need to have 60% of the points, so it's basically not full B2 / C1 that they're asking. The language test will be done after our hiring decision so you will have a few weeks to really ramp up your language skills. - A test for a missing language can also be postponed. So if you fulfill less than the requirements but are a good match and you're confident you can catch up in a year, this is also a possibility that you could ask for (I can't guarantee this will be granted though) - If you speak German or maybe Dutch, it's possible to quickly learn Luxembourgish (with some effort) because it's IMHO as close as Spanish is to Portuguese. The official job offering is only in French (because that's the formal language here) but I'll help you out if you have questions. In any case, you'd be working with me, so shoot me an email, you can find it in my profile.

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