
Software Engineers for Lurk Applications Documentation Engineers A Business Lead and/or COO Functional Programming Language Specialists zk-SNARK Researchers and Engineers Rust Cryptography Engineers


Luke Sandquist


Lurk Lab is building Lurk, a Turing-complete programming language for recursive zk-SNARKs. Lurk implements a minimal Lisp whose program executions can be proved in zero-knowledge, yielding succinct proofs that are concretely small and fast to verify. Lurk uses a Rust implementation for expression evaluation, proving, and verification, with Nova as its proving backend. Because Lurk is Turing-complete, it can be used to make and prove arbitrary computational claims (within resource limits). We are looking for strong cryptography engineers, researchers, functional programming language specialists, applications developers, and start-up leaders/web3 entrepreneurs who want to build next-generation SNARK technology. Ideal candidates will be knowledgeable about the state of the art in zero-knowledge proofs and (if looking for an engineering position) strong in Rust. We are specifically hiring for: - Rust Cryptography Engineers - zk-SNARK Researchers and Engineers - Functional Programming Language Specialists - Software Engineers for Lurk Applications - Documentation Engineers - A Business Lead and/or COO If you are interested in any of these roles, email with CV and a brief cover letter.

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