Posted 9 months, 1 week ago


Infrastructure Engineers SREs



EdgeDB is an open-source database built on top of Postgres. It’s designed to give developers a better end-to-end user experience than traditional SQL databases. We provide a more expressive schema modeling & query language (EdgeQL), and "batteries included" features such as built-in schema migrations and a graphical schema browser, data explorer, and access control/auth. We offer a hosted cloud service for EdgeDB, with the goal of doing developer-friendly cloud hosting "the right way" - we want users to use our hosted service because it's great, not because they're locked-in by restrictive licensing or cloud-only features. We are looking for experienced SREs / infrastructure / devops engineers to help scale out our cloud. Unlike many infrastructure roles, this is not supporting a separate product team - for us, our infrastructure is our product. We are looking for people who care about not just building reliable infrastructure but also exposing that infrastructure to end-users as a seamless product. Our tech stack is Hashicorp tools (Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault); Postgres; Golang with some Python & Rust; and AWS (with eventual expansion to other cloud platforms) We are a remote-first company, headquartered in San Francisco, with most of the team working in US/Canada timezones and a few people in Europe. Unfortunately we are unable to provide any visa/immigration sponsorship at this time. To apply, send your resume to jobs at edgedb dot com and mention you saw this post on Hacker News.

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