Posted 3 years, 11 months ago





Reviewable is a peer code review tool for GitHub PRs that makes your workflow simultaneously more efficient and more thorough. Inspired by Google's Critique and launched 6 years ago, it has picked up a dedicated following solely through word of mouth and has made inroads into the enterprise market, particularly in the self-driving car vertical. While GitHub has started improving PR reviews again, they're aiming at an 80% solution leaving a lucrative niche in the other 20% for nimbler, more specialized companies like Reviewable. I built and have been running Reviewable since inception, mostly solo. I want to find someone to take over leadership of the company and inject new energy and purpose into it, while I get some headspace for new ventures. I'll remain available and involved but step back from the day-to-day decision-making loop. You're passionate about code review and intimately familiar with GitHub. You're a strong engineer with a solid understanding of JavaScript (Vue 2, CSS, Firebase RTDB, Node), not afraid to take over a somewhat idiosyncratic 65+KLoC codebase, and with excellent written communication skills. You don't need anyone to tell you what to do and how to do it, and you're looking to stretch yourself into a leadership position without taking on all the risks of starting something from scratch. If this sounds like it could be a good fit for you please get in touch with Thanks!

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