
Rails Engineer


REMOTE (Americas time zones)


We're making life better for people who have really hard jobs: customer support. Our SaaS platform helps bring positive vibes into the contact center by humanizing the support person and asking end customers what was done right. We fix broken call QA practices with a coaching and growth-oriented replacement. We think about product and its impact on people who are rarely listened to by the people who make their software. Since contact centers are fully remote right now, software that helps coach people and bring them positivity is important. The dev team is fully distributed and has been since pre-Covid. You'll be working with an A-level team that knows how to collaborate well remotely. The most important thing to know about Stella Connect is that we treat each other really well and support each other as human beings above all. This company is designed to be the best possible job you can have that supports you achieving your full potential. It's hard to explain until you talk to us and experience it. The grass is in fact greener here.

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