Posted 5 months, 2 weeks ago


Design Engineer


San Francisco




KREA is an AI Creative Suite. That is, a set of tools for creatives to help them use AI for design and artistic purposes. Some of our users are graphic designers, architects, 3D modelers, and artists from places like Apple or Pixar. We are looking for design engineers. We have a small team by design. We're team of 6 (including me and my co-founder), yet our revenue has been growing “exceptionally well”—as per paul graham's way of ranking startups by growth rate. We're only engineers. Design engineers, to me, are folks at the rare intersection of taste and logic; they know about typography or photography, as well as about webgl, webgpu, and sometimes they even submit patches to browsers! The typical challenge you will face at KREA is nailing the trade-off between craftsmanship and pragmatism. This applies to UI design, rendering performance optimizations, or high-level system's design. We think someone's exceptional if they have an almost irrational bias for action and relentless focus independent of their experience. For instance, one of our engineers is a high-school dropout with barely any credentials and, a few months later, obtained his visa for extraordinary ability. While we understand and accept that many folks here are looking for a small-scale or sustainable engineering opportunity, we think that we're entering the zeitgeist of AI for creativity and that warrants an attitude to go all-in (you can always take it easier later, but the best time to work hard is now, while opportunities are open). Internally, we deeply respect hard-working engineers like Evan Wallace, Rasmus Andersson, John Carmack, or Jonathan Blow. Financially speaking, we are well-funded by top-tier investors—including founder of Facebook AI Research and a founding engineer at OpenAI. We know the AI space is extremely entropic, but if this sounds even mildly enticing, I encourage you to apply.

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