
Gameplay Programmer

Tech Stack

Roblox Lua




Do you love classic 3D adventures & RPGs like the 3D Zeldas, PS1-2 era Final Fantasy, and the GTA III’s? Do you like game-dev teams with high engineering standards, so you can focus on fun and deploy to production in minutes? Do want your games played by millions of players a month? If so, get in touch with me (CEO and co-founder here) at Playmake. We’re the only professional game studio we know of that has had significant success on Roblox (3.5 M players/mo as of today). Our co-founders come from Siri and Microsoft; our investors include Ed Fries (launched the XBox at Microsoft) and Daniel James (CEO SEGA Mobile, creator of Puzzle Pirates). No one on our team had experience in on Roblox or in Lua before joining, and you don’t need it either. We know good programmers can figure out new languages and platforms. You do need 6 years of experience programming commercially-released games, with experience in free-to-play. We have a collaborative, prototype-centric dev culture. No one person is “game designer.” We make playable fun instead of long, brittle design docs. We’re fully-remote; you just need 2 hours overlap each day with PST. Email me with a list of games you’ve worked on and what you did on each - andrew [@] playmake [.] games . Happy to answer any questions as well.

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