
Senior Ruby on Rails developer

Compensation Summary

Our target salary range is $85K - $100K USD, and as a global-remote company we are hiring people of all nationalities located in any country in the world.




Empire Flippers is a true global-remote company with travel in our DNA and employees scattered across 5 continents and all sorts of countries. Since I joined 1.5 years ago, I've personally been to India, the US, Brazil and Colombia so far, all while working remotely and coding our Ruby on Rails + React app. More about us here: Though not as well known in the Hacker News / venture-backed startups sphere, Empire Flippers is widely considered the #1 marketplace for buying and selling online businesses in the 5 to 8 figure USD range. Think of businesses like --- that recipe site you landed on as the first result when you googled "best chicken tikka masala recipe". Or the Amazon FBA seller whose product you purchased when shopping for "Widget XYZ" (with Amazon FBA, these ecommerce businesses never touch inventory and so it's a fully online business). Turns out these type of businesses may be earning 10s of thousands of dollars per month in profit (or more!) and when the (often first time) founder is ready to sell, Empire Flippers is the #1 place to do it safely, securely and at a fair market price. Before I joined Empire Flippers I only had a peripheral understanding of this space, but now that I've been steeped in this industry I can say that this "mini M&A" world is just as exciting as the high-flying unicorns (and decacorns) that we read about daily on Hacker News. The company is hiring a wide variety of positions (both technical & non-technical), all of which can be found here: But in particular, I'm hiring a Senior Ruby on Rails developer to help me continue to build out new features in our Platform, both for customers and to help run our (very extensive) internal operations of vetting incoming businesses, facilitating their sale, and migrating them to the new owner after they've been purchased. That job ad can be found here: Our target salary range is $85K - $100K USD, and as a global-remote company we are hiring people of all nationalities located in any country in the world. Hope to see your application soon, and with any questions feel free to email me (Ben) at beng at

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