Posted 7 months, 1 week ago
Senior/Staff Security EngineerCompensation Summary
$149k - $350k (+ strong equity)
Remote, SF, NYC
fwortley at <name of company above>.com
The security team at Figma spans a bunch of areas (AppSec, Infra, AI/ML, described below). For myself, I'm working on securing our recently announced AI features -- how do you deal with model security? Especially when some of those models include private data? How do you manage access to trained model artifacts across dev, staging, and production? Not a lot of prior art here, so lots of learning involved! We're really just looking for smart people that want to find problems to chip at. The company is growing fast and there is no shortage of work. (I wrapped up my YC startup to join the team!) Generic job req is here: Feel free to email me at fwortley at <name of company above>.com More details for the specific roles we're hiring for: #1: AI Security (the team I'm on). We're doing a lot of data plumbing right now building pipelines and hardening infrastructure. There is a research component here as well though--figuring out how to train novel models and understanding exploits, working with PhDs and reading papers, and skilling up what "red teaming" this space even looks like. I'm on this team. #2: InfraSec. Figma uses AWS extensively and we've been working with other platform teams to harden this part of the stack. Some really smart people that I enjoy working with a lot and a portion of my time is spent on these problems too. #3: AppSec. Figma uses a lot of Ruby, but increasingly Golang too. I joined this team initially and can answer any questions. The major efforts are around trying to harden the stack to make things "Secure by Default" and also decreasing complexity in areas like permissions which has grown pretty wild. (There are some blog posts on this if you're curious) Happy to chat through any of these. In general we're looking for 8+ years of experience currently, though if you feel particularly excited and have a strong background for any of these please shoot me an email. :)
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