Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
Site Lead Software Engineers (Backend Platform) SRE Data Infrastructure Staff Security Engineer Compliance and GovernanceTech Stack
Apache PinotLocations
Mountain View CA, Bangalore India
Peter Corless
You can find all the job postings here: My name is Peter Corless and I am the Director of Product Marketing at StarTree ( We are a Mountain View, California based company and are now opening an engineering operation in Bangalore, India. We make StarTree Cloud, an Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database-as-a-service (DBaaS) for real-time, user-facing analytics, powered by Apache Pinot. Apache Pinot ( is a top-level Apache Software Foundation (ASF) project that came out of LinkedIn. A lot of the PMCs for the Apache Pinot project work at StarTree. It is also used at Uber, Stripe, DoorDash, Just Eat Takeaway (GrubHub), and a lot of other organizations. Apache Pinot is known for its ability to provide high concurrency — hundreds of thousands of QPS — against petabytes of data. It uses the star-tree index to provide really fast responses measured in milliseconds. We're past 100 employees and looking for people who want to help grow us to the next orders of magnitude. Let me know if you have questions or interest.
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