Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

Compensation Summary

We don't normally work overtime, and we get paid more if we do. We're never expected to take work home or be on call.


Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania




We do emulators, JIT, hypervisors, stuff similar to valgrind, debuggers, manual disassembly, binary static analysis, parsers, and assembly. We write our own low-level tools, frequently in C99 to run on Linux. We also use IDA Pro, ghidra, qemu, Simics, JTAG debuggers, gdb, Coverity, KlocWork, LLVM, and so on. Easily transferable skills include those related to compilers, kernel drivers, embedded RTOSes, vectorizing, firmware, VxWorks BSP development, symbolic execution, boot loaders, software verification, concolic testing, abstract interpretation, satisfiability (SAT, SMT) solvers, and decompilers. We work with more than a dozen architectures including PowerPC/ppc, MIPS, ARM/Thumb/AArch64, x86/x64/Intel, DSPs, and microcontrollers. We hire from no-degree to PhD. Common degrees include Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics.

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