Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


UX Engineer





Reviewable is a web app that makes code reviews of PRs more efficient and thorough -- think "Google Critique for GitHub". We're bootstrapped and growing, especially in the enterprise space, but this is not a VC rocketship. We're a tiny team that takes pride in shipping quickly while building a codebase that we actually enjoy working in. We're looking to hire a mid-level UX Engineer: someone with a strong intuition for how to design a great user experience, but who is also comfortable with writing code to implement their design. You might be a front-end engineer with an untapped passion for UX, or maybe a UX specialist taking their first steps into development. We're pretty open-minded on the details but you do need to be able to improve on our current UI and workflow! Our frontend tech stack is JS, Vue 2, Firebase RTDB, and custom libraries, so we don't really care what technology you're already familiar with since you'll need to pick up new stuff anyway. The one hard requirement is that you must have excellent written communication skills. After an initial chat or two we vet promising candidates via a short (paid) contract where we work together on a new feature and get it launched. Anyway, I'm the founder -- ping me at if you think this might be a good fit!

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