Posted 5 years ago
Build engineer Browser-extension developer C#/.NET developer Desktop/mobile developer FP developer SmartContracts/blockchain developer Rust developerCompensation Summary
Important perk for all positions: all the code/scripts you'll write (being paid of course) will be opensource, at least for the first 2 months.
Tech Stack
deb C Solidity smart contracts mimblewimble/grin MiniScript snap Xamarin flatpak FP F# bitcoin-lightning WebAssembly zero knowledge proofs immutability Objective-C Rust Linux .NET ethereum generics LINQ reproducible builds EntityFramework VisualStudio gitlabCI DAI rpm C# HTLCs C++ Ivy githubActions atomic swapsLocations
Sorry for the vague description but I can tell you more about the product we're building when you apply. Hopefully I can attract you in a sufficient way with our tech stack! This is not a pie-in-the-sky venture, you would be joining a team who has a 1.5+ year-old working product, with prospects of new greenfield products built around the first.
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