Posted 2 years, 3 months ago
Full Stack EngineersContacts
Stefan[AT], jens[AT]
A common problem that you're faced with when building web applications is that each application requires a unique composition of internal and external APIs, databases, file storages and authentication providers. Once you've created such a composition, it needs to be enriched with business logic and data transformations using Middleware functions. Companies keep inventing their own solutions to this problem, the most famous one is based on the BFF pattern (Backend for Frontend), where you create a specific backend for each individual frontend. But even with the BFF pattern, the flow is still not standardized, so companies are re-inventing the wheel over and over again. WunderGraph set sail to solve this problem. We're building on open standards, like GraphQL, REST, OpenAPI OpenID Connect, OAuth2, AsyncAPI and more to create a standardized approach to creating API Compositions and Integrations. Recent blog posts may give you a sense of what we're doing and our principles.
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