

Developing “Web3 Social Media” Open and community-owned (on-chain DAO) social media platform initially focusing on short-form video and web3 community. Also available as a white-label, embeddable solution for businesses/startups. Think open Tiktok/Instagram, for people and businesses. DAO with governance/ownership/incentive token. I would love to meet with people interested in building this. - Web/WebApp (Think developing Tiktop/IG as a webapp) LatestWebArchitecture/Browser/React/PWA/SW/Video/Canvas/WebRTC -Backend - DevOps, Scalability, Distribution, AWS, Node, .NET core… Protocol/Tokenomics/Solidity/Web3/DAO/Eth/OpenZepplin/Compound Dao Stack Web3 whitepaper coming soon. I am the founding engineer, Subject:Guild

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